Clapham Project Properties 是一家位于泰国清迈的精品房地产代理公司,专注于精心挑选的高品质房产资源。我们旨在为客户提供在清迈购买房产的全方位专业咨询,因为当地的房地产市场并非全部资产完全对外开放,当地的相关法规也并不总是易于驾驭,更不用说购买时可能需要考虑的其他因素:国际学校、整体社区环境、外国人购买房产或土地时的注意事项等。 我们是一对国际夫妇,几年前搬到了清迈,我们选择清迈作为我们的家,因为它是很受中国人以及外国人喜欢热门目的地,结合了亚洲城市的便利性以及丰富的野生自然资源,拥有大量优质的国际学校、大量正宗美食选择,包括非常好的中餐厅,以及从上海、深圳、香港和其他热门枢纽出发的便捷航班。 我们提供中文、英语和泰语服务。查看我们的房产并联系我们进行免费咨询,也可通过微信联系我们进行初步聊天或通话。我们的服务包括从您在清迈的住宿地点免费接送参观您选择的房产。
Clapham Project Properties is a boutique real estate agency based in Chiang Mai, Thailand, focused on high-quality properties out of our careful selection. We have been providing our customers with all-rounded expertise consultations on purchasing properties in Chiang Mai as the local real estate market is not a completely open market and regulations are not always easy to navigate, let alone other factors that may be placed into consideration when our customers are considering purchasing a property: international schools, overall neighborhood environment, dos and don'ts for foreigners when purchasing a property or a piece of land, etc. We are an international couple who moved to Chiang Mai a few years ago, we chose Chiang Mai for our home as it's a popular destination for Chinese combining the convenience of an Asian city as well as the abundace of wild nature, plenty of good quality international schools, plenty of authentic cuisine options including very good Chinese restaurants and convenient flights from Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and other popular hubs. We provide services in Chinese, English and Thai languages. Take a look at our properties and contact us for a free consultation. Connect to us on WeChat for an initial chat or call. Our services includes free pick up from your place of stay in Chiang Mai and a tour of your selected properties.